Saturday, November 29, 2014

Within next month, 36 families will move into decent and affordable homes built of woven bamboo and cement plaster walls  Habitat home partners Sanu B.K. (far left) and Sharada Pariyar (right) help to build their own houses. BANGKOK (November 21, 2014) – Wide grins on the faces of new home owners, partners, volunteers and staff marked the end of Everest Build III in Nepal...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

They will work on 36 houses together with low-income families in Chitwan Bangkok, 17 November 2014 – More than 500 Habitat for Humanity volunteers start building homes, alongside 36 low-incomes families, in Chitwan district, Nepal today. The volunteers have come together for ‘Everest Build III’. Left to right - Bishnu Tamang and her son welcome the help of volunteers; dance...

Monday, October 20, 2014

Message from Country Representative Dedicated partners and committed staff have brought many success for Habitat for Humanity Nepal in With the completion of the first phase of an Australian-funded project in western Nepal, we are now replicating the project in the Far Western region. The second phase still focuses on improving the living conditions of ex-Kamaiya, or former bonded laborers....

Friday, September 19, 2014

                    The first month of autumn-September gathered twelve members from Japan in Panauti, Kavre with the purpose of erecting a decent shelter for Bijaya Sainju. This Japanese team cooperated with HFH Nepal’s partner organization Udhyam Bikas and successfully built a mud, bricks house for Sainju family.  Over ten days,...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

    Youth Ambassador for Habitat Youth BUILD 2014. By Santosh Shah, founder and president of Today’s Youth Asia, owner and managing director of South Asia Communications, and producer and anchor of Power Talks, Nepal’s first talk show in English At 33, I am rather hesitant to put myself in the league of youth....

Monday, August 11, 2014


Thursday, June 5, 2014

   Volunteers helping each other on the site On 11 May 2014, 13 volunteers from Qatar united together at Bharatpur, Chitwan to build a shelter for Home partner Mohan Maya Rimal. Mohan Maya is a single breadwinner of her family who works as a labor to earn her living. Since many years she has been staying at her daughter’s place and was in desperate need of her own house.  ...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

 Home Partner Manamaya Tamang. & team member         “It’s a terror to live nearby these jungles in an unprotected place. I always dreamt of having my own well-built home and that has come true today. Thank you Canadian GV team for your support and keen work.” –    Home Partner Manamaya Tamang.       anamaya Tamang from Bharatpur,...
  Home Owner Nirmala &  her Children   Summer means hot temperature with long days making it difficult to work. But this team of 7 from USA never hesitated to give their best in such weather. On 6th of April, a GV team from USA came to Nepal to build a shelter for Nirmala in Panchkhal, Kavre.   The team constructed a 3-room house made up of stone, mud and unburnt bricks...

Friday, May 30, 2014

Reecha Sharma born on 16 July 1987 is a beautiful model turned actress who has been popular for her acting in movies, music videos and ramps. Reecha believes “life is not a bed of roses”. Modelling and acting has always been a passion for Reecha. Film world has been a part of her life. Daily shooting, acting, crying and laughing is her schedule apart from her reality world....

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New Experimental at GV House while hosting Namaste Team, Netherlands GV at Jhapa     Home Partner Kamala Pulami with GV Team I feel glad that I succeed to build a house from my small business, selling bananas. I had really worked hard to sell the bananas and invest the income in the construction of house. Moreover, I am thankful to the volunteers from Netherland who contributed...

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